
Ci-dessous, les différences entre deux révisions de la page.

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Les deux révisions précédentes Révision précédente
Prochaine révision
Révision précédente
domino [Le 28/09/2009, 16:48]
domino [Le 11/09/2022, 11:50] (Version actuelle)
moths-art Suppression des espaces en fin de ligne (détecté et corrigé via le bot wiki-corrector (https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=2067892)
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-{{tag>Serveur Messagerie ​BROUILLON}}+{{tag>serveur courriel ​BROUILLON}}
 ---- ----
 ====== Lotus Domino Server ====== ====== Lotus Domino Server ======
-<​note>​ FIXME : page trop lourde, trop d'​infos non essentielles --YoBoY-- </​note>​ 
 <note warning>​**Attention ! Lotus Domino est une marque déposée d'IBM. Son installation est soumise à un copyright et à des licences spécifiques. Ce n'est pas un produit gratuit**</​note>​ <note warning>​**Attention ! Lotus Domino est une marque déposée d'IBM. Son installation est soumise à un copyright et à des licences spécifiques. Ce n'est pas un produit gratuit**</​note>​
-<note important>​ **Pré-requis :** Mise à jour du système avec les dernières bibliothèques. Sous ubuntu, sudo apt-get update. Avoir les droits ​[[:administrateur]] dans le répertoire où se trouvent les sources. </​note>​+<note important>​ **Pré-requis :** Mise à jour du système avec les dernières bibliothèques. Sous ubuntu, sudo apt-get update. Avoir les droits 
 +administrateur dans le répertoire où se trouvent les sources. </​note>​ 
 +<note important>​ **Pré-requis :** Il est nécessaire de créer l'​utilisateur notes et le groupe notes avant de lancer l'​installation. </​note>​
 ===== 1. Préparation de l'​installation : ===== ===== 1. Préparation de l'​installation : =====
Ligne 26: Ligne 29:
 <note tip>Il suffit de taper "tar -xvf C1SQ1EN"​ puis appuyer sur la touche de tabulation pour que le reste du texte soit mis automatiquement</​note>​ <note tip>Il suffit de taper "tar -xvf C1SQ1EN"​ puis appuyer sur la touche de tabulation pour que le reste du texte soit mis automatiquement</​note>​
-Voici ce qui doit défiler à l'​écran : +Voici ce qui doit défiler à l'​écran :
 <​file>​ <​file>​
 linux/​domino/​ linux/​domino/​
Ligne 73: Ligne 76:
 ===== 2. Lancement de l'​installation : ===== ===== 2. Lancement de l'​installation : =====
-Il existe une arborescence de répertoire dans laquelle il faut descendre jusqu'​à atteindre les fichiers suivants : +Il existe une arborescence de répertoire dans laquelle il faut descendre jusqu'​à atteindre les fichiers suivants :
 <​code>​root@debian:/​home/​sources/​linux/​domino#​ ls -la <​code>​root@debian:/​home/​sources/​linux/​domino#​ ls -la
Ligne 204: Ligne 207:
 Suivre les consignes d'​installation selon celle décidée (partitionned,​ entreprise, etc.). Suivre les consignes d'​installation selon celle décidée (partitionned,​ entreprise, etc.).
-Ici, on a choisi d'​installer un serveur non partitionné,​ en tapant 0 : +Ici, on a choisi d'​installer un serveur non partitionné,​ en tapant 0 :
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1 Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1
Ligne 259: Ligne 262:
 On continue en tapant 1 On continue en tapant 1
-     +<​code>​
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Select Server Setup Select Server Setup
Ligne 287: Ligne 290:
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-Les WindoPhobes pourront choisir 1 - Local ou 3 - Manual. ​+Les WindoPhobes pourront choisir 1 - Local ou 3 - Manual.
 **Attention !!! 3 - Manual = Administrateurs avertis uniquement !!!** **Attention !!! 3 - Manual = Administrateurs avertis uniquement !!!**
Ligne 424: Ligne 427:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-===== L'​installation est terminée. =====+===== 3. L'​installation est terminée. =====
 <​note>​Autre option : Mettre le serveur en attente (écoute). Configurer le serveur à partir d'un client d'​admin externe (forcément sous Windows) serversetup.exe -remote</​note>​ <​note>​Autre option : Mettre le serveur en attente (écoute). Configurer le serveur à partir d'un client d'​admin externe (forcément sous Windows) serversetup.exe -remote</​note>​
-===== 3. Lancement du serveur Domino =====+===== 4. Lancement du serveur Domino =====
 Une fois le paramétrage effectué, il est nécessaire de lancer le serveur. Une fois le paramétrage effectué, il est nécessaire de lancer le serveur.
 +Suivez ce lien pour suivre la documentation :
-Se connecter en utilisateur "​notes"​ (su notes)+[[lancement_serveur_domino_linux]]
-<​code>​utilisateur@debians:​~$ su notes +===== 5.Installation ​du language pack frenchie ​: =====
-Mot de passe :  +
-notes@debian:/​home/​utilisateur$ +
-</​code>​ +
-Il faut aller dans le répertoire **/​local/​notesdata/​** +
- +
-<​code>​notes@debian:​~$ cd /​local/​notesdata/​ +
-notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ +
-</​code>​ +
-Si on lance un "​ls",​ on doit avoir le résultat suivant :  +
- +
-<​code>​activity.ntf ​    ​cca50.ntf ​    ​deutsch.dic ​     DomShrct.sh ​        ​headline.ntf ​          ​link.gif ​     nntpcl6.ntf ​    ​pubweb50.ntf ​       suomi.dic +
-admin4.ntf ​      ​certlog.ntf ​  ​dfc ​             dschweiz.dic ​       hebrew.dic ​            ​lndfr.ntf ​    ​nntpdi50.ntf ​   PwdResetSample.nsf ​ svensk.dic +
-afrikaan.dic ​    ​certpub.ntf ​  ​diagindex.nbf ​   dsgnsyn.ntf ​        ​hellas.dic ​            ​lndsutr.ntf ​  ​nntppost.ntf ​   reports.ntf ​        ​teamrm7.ntf +
-AgentRunner.nsf ​ certreq.ntf ​  ​dircat5.ntf ​     dspa.ntf ​           help                   ​loga4.ntf ​    ​nodelock ​       resrc8.ntf ​         text.gif +
-alog4.ntf ​       cldbdir4.ntf ​ discussion8.ntf ​ dspd.ntf ​           homepage.nsf ​          ​log.ntf ​      ​norbok.dic ​     rmeval ​             ticket.idt +
-arabic.dic ​      ​clusta4.ntf ​  ​doclbm7.ntf ​     dspv.ntf ​           httpd.cnf ​             lschema.ldif ​ nornyn.dic ​     roamingdata.ntf ​    ​toolbox.ntf +
-archlg50.ntf ​    ​cppfbws.ntf ​  ​doclbs7.ntf ​     dummy.txt ​          ​IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT ​ ltecmch1.dic ​ notebook8.ntf ​  ​rss_generator.ntf ​  ​TraceSettings.properties +
-aus.dic ​         csrv50.ntf ​   doclbw7.ntf ​     error.gif ​          ​icl.ntf ​               ltecmzh1.dic ​ notes.ini ​      ​russian.dic ​        ​turkiye.dic +
-autosave.ntf ​    ​czech.dic ​    ​doladmin.ntf ​    ​espana.dic ​         idvault.ntf ​           magyar.dic ​   notes.ini.1 ​    ​schema.ntf ​         uk.dic +
-billing.ntf ​     da50.ntf ​     dolcert.id ​      ​etc ​                ​image.gif ​             mail85.ntf ​   pernames.ntf ​   setupjni.txt ​       unknown.gif +
-binary.gif ​      ​dansk.dic ​    ​dolres.ntf ​      ​events4.ntf ​        ​imapcl5.ntf ​           mailbox.ntf ​  ​perweb50.ntf ​   setuplog.txt ​       updatesite.ntf +
-bookmark.ntf ​    ​dba4.ntf ​     domadmin.ntf ​    ​exec.nbf ​           inetlockout.ntf ​       mailjrn.ntf ​  ​phonebook7.ntf ​ shm.nbf ​            ​us.dic +
-brasil.dic ​      ​dbdirman.ntf ​ domcfg5.ntf ​     fault_recovery.log ​ ini.nbf ​               movie.gif ​    ​pid.nbf ​        ​smupgrade.ntf ​      ​userlicenses.ntf +
-browser.cnf ​     dblib4.ntf ​   domchange.ntf ​   feedcontent.ntf ​    ​iNotes ​                ​mq.nbf ​       polcysyn.ntf ​   soap.client.props ​  ​userreg.ntf +
-busytime.ntf ​    ​ddm.ntf ​      ​domino ​          ​folder.gif ​         islensk.dic ​           mtstore.ntf ​  ​polska.dic ​     sound.gif ​          ​us.med +
-canadien.dic ​    ​decomsrv.ntf ​ Domino8.lic ​     francais.dic ​       italiano.dic ​          ​namagent.nsf ​ portugal.dic ​   srchsite.ntf ​       webadmin.ntf +
-catala.dic ​      ​decsadm.ntf ​  ​dominoblog.ntf ​  ​frstrings.dat ​      ​iwaredir.ntf ​          ​nederlnd.dic ​ properties ​     ssl.client.props ​   wpdic.dic +
-catalog.ntf ​     deutsch2.dic ​ domlog.ntf ​      ​graphic.gif ​        ​journal6.ntf ​          ​nedplus.dic ​  ​pubnames.ntf ​   statrep5.ntf</​code>​ +
- +
-<​note>​Il existe une méthode donnée par IBM pour faire en sorte que le compte utilisateur "​notes"​ puisse lancer une console graphique pour le paramétrage. Elle est indiquée ci après mais ne s'​avère pas forcément nécessaire. +
- +
-<​code>​notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ su - +
-Mot de passe :  +
-root@debian:​~#​ /​usr/​X11R6/​bin/​xhost debian +
-/​usr/​X11R6/​bin/​xhost: ​ unable to open display ""​ +
-root@debian:​~#​  +
- +
-notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ su notes +
-Mot de passe :  +
-notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ export DISPLAY=debian:​0</​code>​ +
-</​note>​ +
- +
-<note tip>Il est bien plus simple de fermer la session en cours et de se connecter avec le compte utilisateur "​notes"​ (écran de login gnome ou kde) +
-</​note>​ +
- +
-Une fois la session lancée, ouvrir un terminal et lancer la commande suivante :  +
- +
-<​code>​notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​bin/​server</​code>​ +
- +
-Voici ce qui devrait défiler à l'​écran avant le lancement de la partie Java du Setup. +
- +
-<​code>​./​java -ss512k -Xoss5M -cp jhall.jar:​cfgdomserver.jar:​Notes.jar lotus.domino.setup.WizardManagerDomino -data /​local/​notesdata +
-Locking assertion failure. ​ Backtrace:​ +
-  #0 /​usr/​lib/​libxcb-xlib.so.0 [0xa3a05767] +
-#1 /​usr/​lib/​libxcb-xlib.so.0(xcb_xlib_unlock+0x31) [0xa3a058b1] +
-#2 /​usr/​lib/​libX11.so.6(_XReply+0x254) [0xa3a69c44] +
-#3 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so [0xa3b57a68] +
-#4 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so [0xa3b3827e] +
-#/​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so [0xa3b384dc] +
-#6 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so(Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsEnvironment_initDisplay+0x27) [0xa3b387b3] +
-#7 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7db1615] +
-#8 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_J9VMInternals_initializeImpl+0xdc) [0xb75755f8] +
-#9 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_Class_forNameImpl+0x2ed) [0xb7584ffd] +
-#10 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7daccd5] +
-#11 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7daed7b] +
-#12 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9prt24.so [0xb7d7bc07] +
-#13 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7dacf07] +
-#14 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7dad333] +
-#15 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7dac135] +
-#16 ./​java(JavaMain+0x2c4) [0x8049eac] +
-#17 /​lib/​i686/​cmov/​libpthread.so.0 [0xb7fb04c0] +
-#18 /​lib/​i686/​cmov/​libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0xb7f226de] +
-Locking assertion failure. ​ Backtrace:​ +
-#0 /​usr/​lib/​libxcb-xlib.so.0 [0xa3a05767] +
-#1 /​usr/​lib/​libxcb-xlib.so.0(xcb_xlib_lock+0x2e) [0xa3a0581e] +
-#2 /​usr/​lib/​libX11.so.6 [0xa3a68de9] +
-#3 /​usr/​lib/​libX11.so.6(XGetVisualInfo+0x26) [0xa3a5f156] +
-#4 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so [0xa3b37658] +
-#5 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so [0xa3b37853] +
-#6 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so [0xa3b38594] +
-#7 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​xawt/​libmawt.so(Java_sun_awt_X11GraphicsEnvironment_initDisplay+0x27) [0xa3b387b3] +
-#8 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7db1615] +
-#9 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_J9VMInternals_initializeImpl+0xdc) [0xb75755f8] +
-#10 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libjclscar_24.so(java_lang_Class_forNameImpl+0x2ed) [0xb7584ffd] +
-#11 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7daccd5] +
-#12 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7daed7b] +
-#13 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9prt24.so [0xb7d7bc07] +
-#14 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7dacf07] +
-#15 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7dad333] +
-#16 /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​notes/​85000/​linux/​jvm/​lib/​i386/​libj9vm24.so [0xb7dac135] +
-#17 ./​java(JavaMain+0x2c4) [0x8049eac] +
-#18 /​lib/​i686/​cmov/​libpthread.so.0 [0xb7fb04c0] +
-#19 /​lib/​i686/​cmov/​libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0xb7f226de] +
-*Warning all runtime debug info will be logged to /​local/​notesdata/​setuplog.txt +
-</​code>​ +
-Se lance alors la partie Java dont voici les saisies d'​écrans :  +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot01.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-Et ainsi on arrive à cet écran de configuration ​du serveur. +
- +
-{{:shot02.jpg|}} +
- +
-<note important>​Les paramétrages sont alors fonction des nécessités de "​service"​. C'est à l'​administrateur Domino de prendre le relais pour configurer comme il se doit le serveur.</​note>​ +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot03.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot04.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot06.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot07.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot08.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot09.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot10.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot11.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot12.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot13.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot14.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot15.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot16.jpg|}} +
- +
- +
-{{:​shot17.jpg|}} +
- +
-Après cet écran final, on va pouvoir passer au lancement proprement dit du serveur, pour son fonctionnement au quotidien. +
- +
-Lancer le serveur depuis ce répertoire : /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​bin/​server +
- +
-<​code>​notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​bin/​server</​code>​ +
- +
-Après cet écran final, on va pouvoir passer au lancement proprement dit du serveur, pour son fonctionnement au quotidien. +
- +
-Lancer le serveur depuis ce répertoire : /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​bin/​server +
- +
-<​code>​notes@debian:/​local/​notesdata$ /​opt/​ibm/​lotus/​bin/​server</​code>​ +
- +
-Et voici ce qui devrait défiler à l'​écran,​ et qui peut être retrouvé dans le log.nsf du serveur :  +
- +
-<​code>​07/​04/​2009 16:​50:​41 ​  Lotus Domino (r) Server started, running Release 8.5 +
-07/04/2009 16:​50:​41 ​  ​Server started on physical node debian +
-07/04/2009 16:​50:​41 ​  ​Creating Administration Requests database +
-07/04/2009 16:​50:​44 ​  Event Monitor started +
-07/04/2009 16:​50:​44 ​  ​Event:​ Creating the Monitoring Configuration database. +
-07/04/2009 16:​50:​52 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($ServersLookup)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​50:​55 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($Groups)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​01 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($Networks)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​01 ​  ​Event:​ Copying documents into the Monitoring Configuration database +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​05 ​  ​NSF_QUOTA_METHOD changed to 2. +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​05 ​  ​FormulaTimeout changed to 120. +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​09 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($ServerGroups)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​10 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($ExternalDomainNetworkAddresse'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​13 ​  ​Creating new mailbox file mail.box +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​14 ​  The Console file is /​local/​notesdata/​IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/​console.log +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​14 ​  ​Console Logging is ENABLED +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​22 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($InternetSites)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​51:​28 ​  ​Database Server started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​19 ​  ​Schedule Manager started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​22 ​  Rooms and Resources Manager started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​23 ​  ​Calendar Connector started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​23 ​  ​Starting update of database usage statistics +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​27 ​  ​DAOSMGR:​ DAOS Manager started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​28 ​  ​DAOSMGR:​ DAOS is not enabled, nothing to do. +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​28 ​  ​DAOSMGR:​ DAOS Manager terminating +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​28 ​  ​DAOSMGR:​ DAOS Manager shutdown complete +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​32 ​  Stats agent started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​41 ​  ​Database Replicator started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​42 ​  ​Replicator is set to Ignore Database Quotas +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​41 ​  Index update process started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​42 ​  ​Statistic Collector started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​43 ​  ​Creating Database Directory Cache database (dbdirman.nsf)... +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​52 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($InternetSites)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​55 ​  Admin Process: debian/​orleans is the Administration Server of the Domino Directory. +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​57 ​  ​RnRMgr:​ Informational:​ Schedule Manager is responsible for the busytime database on this server. +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​57 ​  ​SchedMgr:​ Informational:​ Schedule Manager is responsible for the busytime database on this server. +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​58 ​  IMAP Server: Starting... +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​58 ​  POP3 Server: Starting... +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​58 ​  Agent Manager started +
-07/04/2009 16:​52:​58 ​  SMTP Server: Starting... +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​03 ​  ​Removing the version 0 free time data.  Recreating it as version 4. +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​12 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for AgentRunner.nsf +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​31 ​  AMgr: Executive '​1'​ started. Process id '​26607'​ +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​36 ​  POP3 Server: Started +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​36 ​  LDAP Server: Starting... +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​37 ​  IMAP Server: Started +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​37 ​  SMTP Server: Started +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​37 ​  HTTP Server: Using Web Configuration View +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​39 ​  ​Stats:​ Creating Mail-In Database record for stats destination '​debian Stats/​orleans'​ +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​39 ​  HTTP Server: Error - Unable to Bind port 80, port may be in use or user needs net_privaddr privilege +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​40 ​  ​Stats:​ Creating Stats Mail-In Database. +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​41 ​  ​Opened session for debian/​orleans (Release 8.5) +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​44 ​  HTTP Server: Shutdown +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​45 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($Adminp)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​46 ​  DECS: Creating DECS Administrator database ... +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​52 ​  An Adminp request has been submitted to update port information in the server document +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​55 ​  Rooms and Resources Manager: Informational:​ Detailed schedule information collection is not enabled via the domain-wide Server Configuration document. +
-07/04/2009 16:​53:​55 ​  ​RnRMgr:​ Validating schedule database +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​00 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - no container or index (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($Clusters)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​02 ​  ​RnRMgr:​ Done validating schedule database +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​04 ​  ​Schedule Manager: Informational:​ Detailed schedule information collection is not enabled via the domain-wide Server Configuration document. +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​04 ​  ​SchedMgr:​ Validating schedule database +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​04 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPCN)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​04 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - validation error (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPCN)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​15 ​  ​SchedMgr:​ Done validating schedule database +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​25 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for PwdResetSample.nsf +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​29 ​  ​Router:​ Mail Router started for domain ORLEANS +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​29 ​  ​Router:​ Internet SMTP host debian in domain orleans.fr +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​43 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPCN)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​51 ​  DECS: DECS Administrator database created +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​53 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for activity.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​59 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPRDNHier)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​54:​59 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - validation error (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPRDNHier)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​11 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($Adminp)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​13 ​  JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized. +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​15 ​  ​RunJava:​ Started lotus/​notes/​addins/​ispy/​ISpy Java task. +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​19 ​  DECS Server started +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​23 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPS)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​23 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - validation error (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPS)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​35 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPG)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​35 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - validation error (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPG)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​35 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for admin4.nsf +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​39 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for admin4.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​40 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($Adminp)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​40 ​  ISpy: Initialization complete. +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​43 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuild view needed - invalid collection header (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPAlias)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​43 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - validation error (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPAlias)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​46 ​  ​Administration Process started +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​51 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for alog4.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​55:​52 ​  ​Informational,​ rebuilding view - selection or column formula changed (reading /​local/​notesdata/​names.nsf view note Title:'​($LDAPAlias)'​) +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​00 ​  LDAP Server: Serving directory names.nsf in the orleans.fr Internet domain +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​02 ​  LDAP Schema: Started loading... +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​18 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for archlg50.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​19 ​  ​Stats:​ Informational:​ Agent User record for CN=debian Stats/O=orleans could not be located. Please re-load Stats when server is completely started. +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​19 ​  Stats agent shutdown +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​27 ​  An Adminp request has been submitted to update port information in the server document +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​32 ​  LDAP Schema: Finished loading +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​32 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for autosave.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​34 ​  LDAP Server: Started +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​41 ​  ​Started verifying directory tree on '​names.nsf'​... +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​44 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for billing.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​56:​44 ​  ​Finished verifying directory tree on '​names.nsf'​ +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​01 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for bookmark.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​05 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for busytime.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​18 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for catalog.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​21 ​  ​Multiple matches for the name ISpy on debian were found in the Domino Directory referenced by this server. +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​21 ​  Admin Process: Received the following error performing a Create Mail-In Database request on ISpy on debian (Path: names.nsf). ​ Multiple matches for the name ISpy on debian were found in the Domino Directory referenced by this server. +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​27 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for cca50.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​44 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for certlog.nsf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​53 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for certlog.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​56 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for certpub.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​57 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for certreq.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​57:​58 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for certsrv.nsf +
-07/04/2009 16:​58:​00 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for cldbdir4.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​58:​01 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for clusta4.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​58:​04 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for cppfbws.nsf +
-07/04/2009 16:​58:​04 ​  ​Event:​ Setting up default monitors in Monitoring Configuration database. +
-07/04/2009 16:​58:​06 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for cppfbws.ntf +
-07/04/2009 16:​58:​09 ​  ​Enabling the recording of user activity for csrv50.ntf +
-... +
-</​code>​ +
-Lors de l'​arrêt de la machine Domino (quit sous la console Domino), on doit avoir en gros ceci :  +
- +
-<​code>​07/​04/​2009 17:​12:​27 ​  ​Starting Server shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  ​Router:​ Shutdown is in progress +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​27 ​  Rooms and Resources Manager shutdown complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  SMTP Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  ​Schedule Manager shutdown complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  POP3 Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  LDAP Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  ​Calendar Connector shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​28 ​  AMgr: Executive '​1'​ shutting down. Process id '​26607'​ +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​29 ​  DECS Server shutdown complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​29 ​  ISpy shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​29 ​  IMAP Server: Waiting for all tasks to complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​29 ​  ​Closed session for debian/​orleans|Databases accessed: ​    ​1 ​  ​Documents read:     ​0 ​  ​Documents written: ​    0 +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​30 ​  ​RunJava:​ Finalized lotus/​notes/​addins/​ispy/​ISpy Java task. +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​30 ​  ​RunJava shutdown. +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​30 ​  ​Database Replicator shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​31 ​  Agent Manager shutdown complete +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​33 ​  ​Statistic Collector shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​33 ​  Index update process shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​34 ​  ​Router:​ Mail Router shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​35 ​  Event Monitor shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​35 ​  ​Administration Process shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​39 ​  LDAP Server: All tasks have completed +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​39 ​  LDAP Server: Shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​49 ​  POP3 Server: Listener failure: Internal Error +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​49 ​  POP3 Server: All tasks have completed +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​49 ​  POP3 Server: Shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  SMTP Server: Listener failure: Internal Error +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  SMTP Server: All tasks have completed +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  SMTP Server: Shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  IMAP Server: Listener failure: Internal Error +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  IMAP Server: All tasks have completed +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  IMAP Server: Shutdown +
-07/04/2009 17:​12:​51 ​  ​Server shutdown complete +
-</​code>​ +
-<note tip>Si besoin : sudo /​etc/​init.d/​ssh start</​note>​ +
- +
-La première nuit, le serveur va mettre à jour des éléments propres à Domino :  +
-      +
-<​code>​08/​04/​2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating '​addressBookButton.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating '​AddressBookSync'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating '​AddressFormatSubform'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating '​AddressParser'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating '​address.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating 'all documents.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​14 ​  ​Updating '​alph.bmp'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​15 ​  ​Updating '​animatedarchive.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​15 ​  ​Updating '​animatedFolders.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​15 ​  ​Updating '​animatedgroupcalendar.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​15 ​  ​Updating '​animatedlists.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​15 ​  ​Updating '​animatedothercalendars.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​15 ​  ​Updating '​animatedothermail.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​animatedothertodo.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​animatedTools.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​animatedViews.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​animateprivatefolders.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​archive-blue.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​archive.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​Archive\Archive Now' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​Archive\Archive Selected Documents'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​Archive\Create Criteria...'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​16 ​  ​Updating '​Archive\Open Log' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​17 ​  ​Updating '​Archive\Settings...'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​18 ​  ​Updating '​ArchLog.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​18 ​  ​Updating '​archoutline.gif'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​18 ​  ​Updating '​Attachment Icon' into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​18 ​  ​Updating '​bg_0'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​18 ​  ​Updating '​bg_1'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​19 ​  ​Updating '​bg_2'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​19 ​  ​Updating '​bg_3'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​19 ​  ​Updating '​bg_4'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​19 ​  ​Updating '​bg_5'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-08/04/2009 01:​00:​19 ​  ​Updating '​bg_DIALOGBAND'​ into database 'Mail Journaling (8.5)' from template 'Mail (R8.5)' ​  +
-</​code>​ +
-Il est nécessaire de laisser tourner la machine, même hors réseau, la première nuit.+
-===== 4.Installation du language pack frenchie ​=====+Pour installer le "​Language Pack French",​ suivez le lien ci-dessous ​:
-Pour installer le "​Language Pack French",​ suivez le lien ci-dessous :  
 [[domino_language_pack]] [[domino_language_pack]]
 ---- ----
  • domino.1254149314.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification: Le 18/04/2011, 14:44
  • (modification externe)