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Outil de surveillance des temps de latence sur votre réseau.

  • Installation:
apt-get install smokeping
  • Accès à l'interface:
  • Changer l'Alias:

  • Configuration:

La configuration comporte plusieurs fichiers:


General –> Information de base
Alerts –> Déclarer des alertes (sur mail)
Database –> Déclaration des bases RRD
Presentation –> Mise en forme des graphs
Probes –> Déclaration des probes
Slaves –> Déclaration en Master/Esclave pour créer des sondes
Targets –> Déclaration des hosts à monitorer

  • Mod debug:
/etc/init.d/smokeping stop
smokeping --debug

  • Exemple de Probe:
*** Probes ***

+ FPing
binary = /usr/bin/fping

# these expect to find echoping in /usr/bin
 # if not, you'll have to specify the location separately for each probe
 # + EchoPing         # uses TCP or UDP echo (port 7)
 # + EchoPingDiscard  # uses TCP or UDP discard (port 9)
 # + EchoPingChargen  # uses TCP chargen (port 19)
 + EchoPingSmtp       # SMTP (25/tcp) for mail servers
 + EchoPingHttps      # HTTPS (443/tcp) for web servers
 + EchoPingHttp       # HTTP (80/tcp) for web servers and caches
 accept_redirects = yes
 timeout = 5
 offset = 50%
 revalidate_data = no
 + EchoPingIcp        # ICP (3130/udp) for caches
 # these need at least echoping 6 with the corresponding plugins
 + EchoPingDNS        # DNS (53/udp or tcp) servers
 + EchoPingLDAP       # LDAP (389/tcp) servers
 + EchoPingWhois      # Whois (43/tcp) servers

 + Curl
 binary = /usr/bin/curl
 forks = 5
 offset = 50%
 step = 300
 # The following variables can be overridden in each target section
 agent = User-Agent: Lynx/2.8.4rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.6c
 extrare = / /
 follow_redirects = yes
 include_redirects = yes
 insecure_ssl = 1
 interface = eth0
 pings = 5
 ssl2 = 1
 timeout = 20
 urlformat = http://%host%/ # mandatory

  • Exemple de Target:
*** Targets ***
 # default probe
 probe = EchoPingHttp

 menu = Top
 title = Network Latency Grapher
 remark = Welcome to this SmokePing website.

 + Mesures Echoping HTTP
 menu = Mesures
 title = Mesures

# Equip1 (Echoping par proxy)

++ Equip1-google
 menu = Equip1-google
 title = Equip1-www.google.fr
 host =
 port = 80
 url = http://www.google.fr/

+ Mesure Curl
menu = Mesure Curl

menu = NTLM
probe = Curl
host = www.google.fr
extraargs = --proxy-ntlm --proxy-user "domaine\\user:pass" --proxy

++ IP
probe = Curl
menu = IP
host = www.google.fr
extraargs = --proxy

"A retravailler"

  • smokeping.1318325324.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification: Le 15/12/2011, 15:20
  • (modification externe)