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clientleger_teachertool [Le 27/11/2010, 08:32] hymefDIekigSA
clientleger_teachertool [Le 24/03/2016, 21:04]
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
-KFg6T7 ​ <a href="http://hljgeedrkqlb.com/">​hljgeedrkqlb</a>, [url=http://xqcvoucvzzwg.com/]xqcvoucvzzwg[/url], [link=http://rkotmdwswlyn.com/]rkotmdwswlyn[/link]http://hvuyfiqglaao.com/+{{tag>​edubuntu ltsp BROUILLON}} 
 +====== Installer la version beta de fl_Teachertool ====== 
 +<note important>​Cette page est la traduction ***EN COURS*** d'​un ​"post" de Robert Arkiletian sur la [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/​edubuntu-users/​2007-September/​001912.html|liste Edubuntu internationale]].</​note>​ 
 +En attendant de disposer d'un paquet Debian pour cette application,​ vous pouvez suivre les instructions suivantes (attention, nous parlons bien d'une version beta, à manipuler avec précaution) : 
 +to setup x11vnc on clients: 
 +include -shared option in x11vnc command 
 +there is an english version 
 +but it did not have the cp sources.list line 
 +Don't forget to exit the chroot 
 +sudo su 
 +apt-get install build-essential 
 +apt-get install libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev 
 +apt-get install libxpm-dev 
 +apt-get install vnc4server 
 +apt-get install xtightvncviewer 
 +apt-get install zlib1g-dev 
 +apt-get install libjpeg-dev 
 +apt-get install xscreensaver 
 +download fl-tt source from here 
 +untar my tarball then 
 +cd "le-dossier-fl_teachertool"​ 
 +make && make install 
 +chmod +x /​etc/​X11/​xinit/​xinitrc 
 +gedit /​etc/​X11/​app-defaults/​XScreenSaver 
 +near the beginning of the file there should be this line 
 +*mode: ​                 random 
 +replace the word "​random"​ with "​blank"​ (no quotes) 
 +download vncreflector source code 
 +from here 
 +cp vncreflector ​/usr/bin 
 +follow step 2-5 here for control/​monitor 
 +   ​1. ​ Edit the file /​opt/​ltsp/​i386/​etc/​lts.conf and uncomment (i.e. remove the "#"​):​ X4_MODULE_02 ​vnc 
 +   2. Become root: su - 
 +   3. Make a password for the vnc-session: /usr/bin/​vncpasswd 
 +   4Copy the password file into the ltsp-tree: cp -a /root/.vnc /​opt/​ltsp/​i386/​root/​ 
 +   5. Log out of root session: exit 
 +   6. Reboot your clients! 
 +Allow Non-Root Users to Run Fl_TeacherTool 
 +This enables teachers who do not have root password to run fl_teachertool. 
 +   1. Create a new group called "​teachers"​ using system-config-users 
 +      You can run this from GNOME using SystemAdministration,​ Users and Groups. 
 +   2. Add the "​teachers"​ group to each user who needs to run fl_teachertool. 
 +   3. Become root with $su - 
 +   4. Run: visudo This is a special editor for the sudoers file. 
 +   5. Add the following line to the end of the file using vi editing techniques: %teachers ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/​sbin/​fl_teachertool 
 +      Enter at least one blank line at the end of the fileIf you don't know vi then just goto the last line and hit the letter "​i"​ for (insert) then type the above line, hit enter, then hit the escape key. Now type 
 +      :wq and hit <​enter>​. This saves and exits. Alternatively,​ you can set the EDITOR environment variable to a different text editor. nano is a friendly editor: 
 +      export EDITOR=/usr/​bin/​nano;​ visudo 
 +   6. If your fellow teachers are not comfortable typing "sudo /​usr/​sbin/​fl_teachertool"​ then add an alias in file .bashrc (notice it starts with a period) in the home directory of the people who will run the program. 
 +      # User specific aliases and functions 
 +      alias teach='​sudo /​usr/​local/​sbin/​fl_teachertool'​ 
 +      Then they only have to type teach or alternatively put a launcher icon with the command sudo /​usr/​local/​sbin/​fl_teachertool on their desktop. 
 +Hopefully I have not forgotten anything. 
 +Oh, fl_teachertool must be run as root 
 +Be patient with this version as it runs slower than it did on k12ltsp. 
 +I am also currently developing version 0.50. Enjoy.
  • clientleger_teachertool.txt
  • Dernière modification: Le 01/09/2022, 00:08
  • par moths-art