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* Ubuntu French Translators (mix of wishlist and accomplishments, needs to be graded and documented)

  • Provided quality translations for all the official Ubuntu releases and projects
  • Releases
    • insert figures on translation patterns here
      • update 2.bp.blogspot.com/-S_7NHMV3mrw/TlvCbbkJRkI/AAAAAAAAIS0/WUhd2Oq1epo/s320/TraduireUbuntu-29aout2011.png
    • (kpi) insert figures on translation coverage per release (translated/total, absolute untranslated) here
      • Start of period:
      • End of period : Lucid: 90.3% (absolute: 31933), Maverick: 90.1%(absolute: 34934), Natty: 89.3%(absolute: 38783), Oneiric: 85.1%(absolute: 54413), Precise: 84.8%(absolute: 48557)
    • ASK: A more systematic, online tracking of translations (& benchmark) to raise morale and awareness.
  • Documentation
    • We lagged on Documentation because it's not the sexiest or easiest part of the job
    • We lagged on Kubuntu Docs due to the lack of translators having a Kubuntu install or willing to install an image
    • We lagged a little bit on server side due to complexity of the english documentation
    • We've caught up recently.
    • ASK: We lack a systematic online valorisation (eg: publication) of translated documentation.
  • Ubuntu Package Descriptions Translations: we started bridging the gap
    • (kpi) number of untranslated strings and completion ratio
      • Lucid: 54616 (XX%), Maverick: 56029 (27.2%), Natty: XXXX (X%), Oneiric: 64751 (21.78%), Precise: 54616 (24.7%), Quantal: 54616 (24.7%)
      • The important is to look at the most visible translations. Two ways to do this: look only at ddtp-ubuntu-main or use http://nightmonkey.ubuntu.hu to see only packages shown in the Software Center
        • 38 out of 300 packages in main in the Software Center are still untranslated
        • All restricted packages are translated (out of 5)
        • 14 untranslated out of less than 100 in the Multiverse Packages
        • 1300 untranslated packages from universe out of 1800
    • (kpi) Lucid, Precise translation ratio to German & Spanish (french/foreign language)
      • We lost ground to other languages. While at the beginning of period German and Spanish were ahead, at the end of period, German (45%) ,Italian (40%),Spanish (38%) ,Slovenian (31%) and Russian (30%) were ahead.
      • That's a 15042 string gap with German
    • ASK: Would need crowdsourcing help by integration in the ubuntu appstore end-user UI
  • Online Apps
    • Translation of the Ubuntu Team & Events Portal
    • Translation of various LP stuff as requested
  • Ensured Q&A pre & post release
    • (kpi) insert # of translation bugs filed per release: Lucid, Maverick, Natty, Oneiric, Precise
      • 17 assigned bugs overall: 3 Fix commited bugs, 11 Triaged Bugs, 2 incomplete bugs, 1 confirmed bug
    • (kpi) insert avg and max time to fix a translation bug:
  • Increased the efficiency of the translation process & "leadership"
  • increased the (kpi) number of active contributors : 13 "active" contributors by LP's standard (team members, regardless of contributions)
  • increased the quality of contributions so as to reduce review work
    • (kpi) # of unmodified validated contributions / # of validated contributions (end and start of period)
  • grew the best contributors into reviewers and active members
    • no active action taken on that point. We've started clearing the backlog on September 1st.
  • grew reviewers into team leaders
    • no active action taken on that point
  • Reduced the backlog of strings to review
    • Insert backlog of strings to review
    • End of Period: Lucid: 7886 , Maverick: 8607 , Natty: 9152, Oneiric: 8181, Precise: 8155 , Quantal: ??
  • reduced the backlog of unapproved contributors
    • we tried but hesitated given the balance between quality and number of members
    • we didn't have compelling incentive to reduce that backlog (many applications without any mail on the ML to announce work, or mail without any significant contributions)
    • (kpi) : number of pending applications (Lucid, Precise): EOP: 40 proposed members, number of approved members (Lucid, Precise):
  • stroke a balance between translation level and # of new approved members
  • Be able to retain and engage our active members
  • We lost several significant contributors and reviewers that were doing the bulk of the job due to personnal imperatives and lack of engagement by the team
  • Churn (# of numbers , sum of average monthly contributions * number of months since we lost them)
  • Seasonnality effect ?
  • Increased awereness of our work to attract new members
  • Opened a blog (0.6/1)
    • we opened a blog on blogger and then migrated it on the ubuntu-fr hosting platform (http://traduire.ubuntu-fr.org » means translate.ubuntu-fr.org)
    • webdesign teams lacked time to work on this project as they had limited ressources. We thus have a barebones design.
    • We wrote a couple of posts
    • We failed to attract contributors to the blog
    • Paused to only contributor lacking time
  • Created a newsletter (0,5)
    • a couple of issues were released
    • stopped to only contributor lacking time
  • Syndicated on the planet (0/1)
    • Miss on that one as the blog isn't ready
  • Posted on the forum (0,1/1)
    • Someone suggested we post on the forum at low hours to get maximum exposure. We tried but didn't gain that much traction.
  • Created a presence on social networks (0/1)
    • We want to act on this, either with a standalone account or with scheduled post on the main account
  • Present at Ubuntu Conferences (0,4/1)
    • we were present at a technical ubuntu conference, but it wasn't the public we were aiming for. 15 people listening, 2 people actually expressed interest in joining the team, 1 actually posted on the ML.
    • we should aim for every Ubuntu Party, with a presence either physical or over VC (Hangouts, yet non free, are an interesting option for office hours or Translation Workshops as they allow multi-users VC, with screensharing and conference recording for upload and social sharing)
  • Ensure presence in the UWN
    • presence in the UWN Translations stats ensured us visibility.
    • we were dropped from it for some reason
  • ubuntu-l10n-fr/review.1347281236.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification: Le 10/09/2012, 14:47
  • par teolemon