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Ubuntu Slim Remix

(K/L)Ubuntu (netbook) Slim remix 32/64bits est une version d'Ubuntu dénuée de tous les logiciels imposés lors de l'installation, pour que tous ceux qui aimeraient pouvoir choisir de leur propre chef les logiciels qu'ils souhaitent installer y trouvent enfin leur compte.

Ubuntu Slim Remix n'est pas supportée officiellement par Canonical. Merci de reporter d'éventuels bugs aux développeurs de ce remix sur ce forum.


This package contains the following utilities for the GNOME desktop:

  1. baobab, a disk usage analyser
  2. gnome-dictionary, a program which can look up the definition of words over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same)
  3. gnome-search-tool, with which one can find files by name or content
  4. gnome-system-log, a log viewing application
  5. gnome-screenshot, a tool to take desktop screenshots and save them into a file


gedit (et gedit-common)

system-config-printer-gnome (et system-config-printer-common)


Seahorse is a front end for GnuPG - the Gnu Privacy Guard program - that integrates to the GNOME desktop. It is a tool for secure communications and data storage. Data encryption and digital signature creation can easily be performed through a GUI and Key Management operations can easily be carried out through an intuitive interface.


eog or the Eye of GNOME is a simple graphics viewer for the GNOME desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance.



This program allows you to browse through all the available Unicode characters and categories for the installed fonts, and to examine their detailed properties. It is an easy way to find the character you might only know by its Unicode name or code point.


GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals.


GNOME Nettool is a network information tool which provides user interfaces for some of the most common command line network tools including:

  • ifconfig
  • ping
  • netstat
  • tracepath
  • port scanning
  • DNS lookup
  • finger
  • whois

evolution (et evolution-common, evolution-data-server, evolution-webcal)

openoffice.org-core, openoffice.org-common, openoffice.org-style-human, ttf-opensymbol, ure, uno-libs3



transmission-gtk, transmission-common

gwibber, gwibber-service

empathy (et empathy-common, nautilus-sendto-empathy, [adium-theme-ubuntu]⇒dépend de ubuntu-artwork, qui est le thème ubuntu)

firefox (et totem-mozilla, ubufox, xulrunner-1.9.2)





gnome-media, gnome-media-common

This package contains a few media utilities for the GNOME desktop:

  • the GNOME audio mixer;
  • the GNOME Sound Recorder;
  • the GStreamer properties capplet.

brasero, brasero-common


totem, totem-common, libtotem-plparser17


For each desktop application in the default install where it is practical, there is at least one piece of example content. This is valuable for testing, experimentation and demonstration of Ubuntu (especially the live CD). These examples should be small but meaningful, and easily discoverable.

ubuntu-one-client, python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol


The popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that willperiodically anonymously submit to the Ubuntu developers statistics about the most used Ubuntu packages on this system.

This information helps us making decisions such as which packages should go on the first CD. It also lets us improve future versions of Ubuntu so that the most popular packages are the ones which are installed automatically for new users.

mono-runtime, libgdiplus

compiz-core, libdecoration0


This project provides an extensible interface for system testing. The results can then be sent to Launchpad.

This package provides a GTK interface for answering tests.


This package contains tools for managing and manipulating Bluetooth devices using the GNOME desktop.

bluetooth-applet provides an agent to ask for PIN and managing pairing with devices, together with bluetooth-properties.

bluetooth-sendto is also included for sending files to Bluetooth devices via OBEX.


gnome-orca, libgnome-mag2



Nautilus Share allows you to quickly share a folder from the GNOME Nautilus file manager without requiring root access.


Over time, a computer system tends to get cluttered. For example, software packages that are no longer needed can be uninstalled. When the system is upgraded from release to release, it may miss out on configuration tweaks that freshly installed systems get.

Computer Janitor is an application to fix these kinds of problems. It attempts to find software packages that can be removed, and tweak the system configuration in useful ways.


indicator-applet is an applet to display information from various applications consistently in the GNOME panel.

Currently this includes support for messaging applications in the indicator-messages package.


indicator-applet is an applet to display information from various applications consistently in the GNOME panel.

This package provides support for messaging applications.

gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps, gstreamer0.10-tools, gstreamer0.10-x


This package contains some of the official desktop themes of the GNOME desktop environment.

  • The Clearlooks theme is the default, combining usability with an attractive look.
  • Clearlooks inverted is above with an inverse color scheme.



Environnement Gnome :

Télécharger Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - LTS - Slim - remix - 32bits / Torrent http://steelix.org/downloads/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-slim-remix-i386.iso.torrent

Télécharger Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - LTS - Slim - remix - 64bits / Torrent http://steelix.org/downloads/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-slim-remix-amd64.iso.torrent

Télécharger Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - Netbook - Slim - remix / Torrent http://steelix.org/downloads/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-slim-i386.iso.torrent

Environnement LXDE :

Télécharger Lubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - Slim - remix / Torrent http://steelix.org/downloads/lubuntu-10.04-slim-i386.iso.torrent

Environnement KDE :

Télécharger Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - LTS - Slim - remix - 32bits {prochainement} Télécharger Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - LTS - Slim - remix - 64bits {prochainement} Télécharger Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx - Netbook - Slim - remix {prochainement}

Sommes MD5 :

Ubuntu Desktop Slim remix 32bits : 35bf4c040a80a4c9199d5fb5c3ea666d Ubuntu Desktop Slim remix 64bits : 95b24619e6b9fd969af7f630f3ab267f Ubuntu Netbook Slim remix : 61e63dc3c4fccbb06438df6e8f1edfe5 Lubuntu Desktop Slim remix : d3291e580c3f0cd72170cab753a10d16

Screenshots :

http://pix.louiz.org/upload/thumb/1272679405.png http://pix.louiz.org/upload/thumb/1272679425.png http://pix.louiz.org/upload/thumb/1272679468.png http://pix.louiz.org/upload/thumb/1272679483.png

  • ubuntu_slim_remix.1273736277.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification: Le 13/05/2010, 09:37
  • par YannUbuntu